Vores dedikerede servere

Vok din hjemmeside hurtigere med vores dedikerede servere.
Vælg en plan, der passer til dine behov.


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Security Optimizations & 500 Gbps+ DDoS Protection

Our servers and infrastructure are by default protected against denial of service attacks (DDoS).

server backup

Free Data Backup

Our servers and infrastructure are by default protected against denial of service attacks (DDoS).

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Web Hosting Choices Suits

Our servers and infrastructure are by default protected against denial of service attacks (DDoS).

Inkluder alle funktioner

Omfattende infrastruktur, innovativ cloud computing og specialistkompetencer


DDOS beskyttelse

Vores servere og infrastruktur er som standard beskyttet mod afslag på serviceangreb (DDoS).


RPN er en privat netværksfunktionalitet, dedikeret og fysisk adskilt fra din internetnetværksinterface.

VMWare Ready®

Vores Dedibox® servere er certificeret VMWare Ready®.

KVM over IP

Næsten alle vores Dedibox® leveres med hardware KVM over IP og fjern virtuelle medier som standard.

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De fleste Dedibox-servere understøtter RAID, hvilket giver pålidelighed og ydeevne.

24*7 Support

Assistance 24/7

Vores tekniske assistance er tilgængelig 24 timer i døgnet, 7 dage om ugen med billet og telefon på fransk, engelsk og tysk.


Certificeret Datacenter

Lav aldrig kompromiser om holdbarheden af ​​din infrastruktur.


Premium netværk

Vi opererer et simpelt, ultra hurtigt og pålideligt netværk. Vores AS12876 netværk har stor kapacitet med mange transitter og udvekslingspunkter.

Hvorfor vælge os?

At drive en virksomhed kan være udfordrende, så vi hjælper os med at tilbyde en GRATIS hjemmesidebygger§ med
GRATIS billeder og GRATIS email med hvert domænenavn.

Ultra hurtig cloud hosting

Fordele ved Cloud + Enkelhed af Shared Hosting

  • Dual 2.40GHz Xeon Processor
  • 24GB vædder
  • 24x7x365 Support
  • 250GB RAID 1 OS-drev
  • 1TB Cachelagret Kunde drev
  • Apache 2.2x
  • PHP 5.3x, 5.4x, Perl, Python
  • Gratis DNS Management
  • MySQL 5
  • Ruby On Rails
  • Anti Spam & Virusbeskyttelse
  • Sikker FTP-adgang
  • Hotlink & Leech Protection
  • phpMyAdmin Access
  • Online e-mail-adressebog
  • Nu med Varnish Caching
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Pålidelig kraft

Designet til uafbrudt drift

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Netværk og sikkerhed

Maksimal Uptime &

safe and secure

HVAC beskyttelse

Modstandsdygtighed og redundans
på alle niveauer

CMS Icons

installer populære applikationer i sekunder

Vælg mellem over 70 gratis one-click installationer, herunder populære bolgging og content management systemer som WordPress, joomla !, og Drupal; e-handelsløsninger som osCommerce, OpenCart og PrestaShop; og et stort udvalg af andre populære software titler, herunder phpBB, Open Web Analytics og Moodle. Alle disse og flere er tilgængelige som standard med vores Home Pro og Business Pro-pakker.

Se vores et-klik APPS
ssl certificate

Hold dine websteder sikre med en

gratis SSL-certifikat!

Et SSL-certifikat opretter en sikker tunnel, hvorigennem oplysninger, herunder brugernavne, adgangskoder, kreditkortnumre og mere, kan passere sikkert.

Få det ud
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Suport vi ved, at du vil elske

Vores knowledable supporteksperter står klar for at hjælpe lige fra at komme i gang. Med gratis site migrationer, venlige concierge assistances og 24x7 løbende support - du har al den hjælp du har brug for, når du har brug for det.

Ring for at aktivere Backups:


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Premium Everything - Especially Support

An in-house, expert team is available round-the-clock to help resolve your queries to get you started and grow your presence online. We are there when you get stuck-anytime, day or night. We help you create a website fast and easy by resolving all web hosting queries!

Need Help? We are here right now

Hvorfor vælge os?

Omfattende infrastruktur, innovativ cloud computing og specialistkompetencer

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Vores dedikerede servere drives af høj kvalitet, enterprise grade hardware fra førende spillere som Dell, HP og Supermicro. Bygget til hurtighed og uovertruffen ydeevne.

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Vores servere er bygget til at levere overlegen hastighed og sikre, at selv de mest krævende webserver applikationer kører problemfrit uden problemer.

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Vores team består af it-fagfolk i software- og hardwarerelaterede problemer, og dette holder vores supportkvalitet i verdens første klasse.



Vi er stolte af at tilbyde et af de højeste niveauer af netværkstidsgaranti (99,95%). Din hjemmeside vil altid være i gang.

Frequently Asked Questions

A dedicated server is a type of server where all software resources and physical hardware are dedicated to a single client. You can install any operating system you want and take quick actions with a management panel.
Dedicated Server Leasing is a service where a high-performance physical server is leased to a client with all resources allocated on a monthly or yearly basis. Since all resources are allocated to you, you can install any operating system and host any application quickly.
Servers can incur high costs for companies both in terms of hardware and software. Costs such as configuring server technical requirements, managing operational processes, and maintaining personnel encourage companies to lease physical servers. Don't miss the purchasing experience you will gain with Ekonomikhost!
All of our physical servers are hosted in data centers with the best infrastructure in Turkey, Germany, France, and England, which have Tier 3 data center certification. Due to being located in the center of the Fiber internet network, your server will have the fastest internet access.
All our servers have dedicated 100mbit, 1gbps, 10gbps full duplex ports, allowing uninterrupted internet access at this speed.
Ekonomikhost keeps spare parts for all servers it leases. If there is any problem, the faulty part of your server is replaced with a new one as quickly as possible. If a technical problem cannot be solved by replacing the part, equivalent or superior hardware is promptly provided to our customers.
Our expert server support team assists you via email on basic server management issues. If you want comprehensive support for server management, you can check out our server support packages.
Leased server service provides the server installed and made available to the customer. Since the customer manages the server, we do not perform tasks such as backup. To back up your data, you can rent backup space from our special backup unit upon your request.
Your products will be activated instantly by the automation system (for domain purchases) for purchases made with a credit card. For purchases made via bank transfer, your products will be activated after payment confirmation. Adding the information provided to you during the ordering process to your payment explanation is crucial for faster payment confirmation.

Glad kunde

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