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Hvorfor velge VPS Hosting?



De virtuelle serverne leveres med full roten tilgang som gir administrator tilgang over ditt hosting miljø, sammen med muligheten til å installere tilpasset programvare uten noen begrensninger. I tillegg gir Server Management Panel deg full kontroll over serveren med handlinger som Start, Stopp, Rebuild og mye mer

computer image


Din VPS-plan (virtuell privat server) leveres med en forhåndsinstallert cPanel, som hjelper deg med å administrere ditt hosting-miljø effektivt.

Ved hjelp av Softaculous auto installer i cPanel, kan du installere WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento og mye mer innen et minutt..

vps globe


Din VPS-plan (virtuell privat server) leveres med en forhåndsinstallert cPanel, som hjelper deg med å administrere ditt hosting-miljø effektivt.

Mens noen tjenesteleverandører tar timer eller dager for å få serveren din oppe. Våre VPS-servere er designet for å bli tilbudt innen få minutter!
I motsetning til mange VPS-hosting-tjenesteleverandører i India tar vi ikke opp noen oppsettgebyr.

Leter du fortsatt etter beste VPS-serveren?
Gå med Linux-sky


Rask og enkel

Med Cloud-teknologi aktivert for denne
VPS, serverne dine er drevet med
økt fleksibilitet og kontroll

video player settings


Din KVM VPS leveres med cPanel, for å administrere nettstedet ditt og tilhørende tjenester som e-post og DNS

support icon


Vi er her for deg 24/7/365 via
Telefon, LiveChat og Email for å hjelpe deg med eventuelle spørsmål du måtte ha

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Alle våre underliggende fysiske servere er utstyrt med nyeste prosessorer og RAM

private network


Du kan lage nesten alt du ønsker med våre VPS-servere i skyen.

cloud database


Cloud-basert infrastruktur kombinert med våre
high-end virtuelle servere er svaret på noen av dine web hosting spørsmål.

free trial


Prøv oss i 30 dager helt uten risiko! Du er helt beskyttet av vårt ikke-risikoparantiprogram. Hvis du bestemmer deg for å kansellere kontoen din i løpet av de neste 30 dagene, mottar du en umiddelbar tilbakebetaling, ingen spørsmål.

Tekniske spesifikasjoner

safe and secure

Garanterte ressurser

Vår Linux KVM VPS-baserte hypervisorteknologi sikrer konsekvent topp ytelse og ressursene * på serveren kan skaleres ettersom virksomheten din utvides.


Trygt miljø

Hypervisor-basert virtualisering gir bedre isolasjon og sikkerhet i et VPS-miljø

key icon

Cutting Edge Server Maskinvare

En av de integrerte delene av serveren din er disklest / skriver, og det er derfor vi bygget våre servere med Solid State Drives *


Øverst på linjenettet

Vårt nettverk er designet med flere anerkjente Internett-leverandører for å sikre høy stabilitet, eliminere et enkelt feilpunkt med en integrert DDoS-beskyttelse, uten ekstra kostnad!

Frequently Asked Questions

During package selection, the estimated or known visitor volume of your website and software needs should be taken into account. It is possible to upgrade according to your changing needs in VPS packages. You can get assistance from our technical team to make the right package choice.
A Cloud Server is the combination of physical server resources (CPU, RAM, Disk) obtained by allocating virtual resources with specialized software. This means that multiple operating systems can use the physical resources. Different services can run on the same server without affecting each other. Cloud computing, or virtualization, provides very high user isolation and security. No one can see the services or files on the other server. With the cloud server system, it is possible to obtain a more economical but performance-oriented service by saving from server hosting location, electricity consumption, and network costs.
You can change the features of your Cloud server when you need. If the visitors of some of your sites increase and your server is not enough, or if there is a need for growth in your project, you can upgrade your package. Package upgrades can be applied to your server with short interruptions of a few minutes, and the most suitable time frame for this process can be determined by you.
Your VDS server order is approved after your payment. After the order is approved, your server is prepared for use within 24 hours according to the suitability of the technical department. During the setup, options such as the operating system and control panel you specified during the order are implemented.
The setup of cloud servers requires high-level hardware and some special software. We do all the installation and configuration of the cloud server you purchased. With our special installation techniques, all necessary adjustments are made by our expert technical team to get the highest performance.
Backup process is offered as a paid service for VDS server services. If you contact our technical team, a backup configuration suitable for your needs can be determined.
Depending on the operating system of your server, we can install and offer hosting control panels such as Plesk, cPanel, Directadmin, Maestro, and Vesta for your use.
One of the most important features of Cloud servers is that they can be configured according to your needs. For example, you can use a feature or application not allowed on hosting servers on your Cloud server. As long as there is no malicious intent, there are services that can fully meet your software needs.
Yes, our entry-level technical support services are free. If you request, you can choose our paid technical support packages with features suitable for your needs.
HDDs store their data on a spinning disk. SSDs do not have a spinning part. SSDs are more expensive than hard drives. SSDs and HDDs are generally used for the same task. They load your system, store your files and applications, and many other things on these disks. SSDs stand out with much faster random data access, low power consumption, silent operation, size difference, and durability compared to HDDs. While the maximum writing speed of an HDD is seen as an average of 150MB/s, this speed is seen as 560MB/s in SSDs.

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