Com afecten els canvis recents de Google

Les últimes actualitzacions de Google Chrome ara mostren als visitants un missatge "No segur" a l URL si el vostre lloc web no és https (és a dir, cap certificat SSL). Si no és segur, és més probable que els usuaris s abstinguin d introduir informació, fer compres o fins i tot registrar-se a la vostra llista de correu electrònic.Google també classificarà llocs web sense un certificat SSL inferior a la pàgina de resultats de la cerca (SERP), que afectarà els esforços de SEO, el trànsit i els ingressos al mateix temps.

ssl certificate

Especificacions tècniques

safe and secure

Recursos garantits

La nostra tecnologia d'hipervisors basada en VPS KVM de Linux garanteix un rendiment consistent i de primera mà i els recursos * del servidor es poden ampliar a mesura que s'amplia la vostra empresa..


Entorn segur

La virtualització basada en l'hipervisor proporciona un millor aïllament i seguretat en un entorn VPS

key icon

Maquinari del servidor de tall perimetral

Una de les parts integrants del vostre servidor és la lectura / escriptura del disc, per això hem construït els nostres servidors amb Solid State Drives *


Principi de la xarxa de línies

La nostra xarxa està dissenyada amb múltiples ISPs de bona reputació per assegurar una alta estabilitat, eliminant un únic punt de fracàs amb una protecció DDoS integrada, sense cost addicional.

ddos icon

Security Optimizations & 500 Gbps+ DDoS Protection

Our servers and infrastructure are by default protected against denial of service attacks (DDoS).

server backup

Free Data Backup

Our servers and infrastructure are by default protected against denial of service attacks (DDoS).

ddos icon

Web Hosting Choices Suits

Our servers and infrastructure are by default protected against denial of service attacks (DDoS).

support icon

Premium Everything - Especially Support

An in-house, expert team is available round-the-clock to help resolve your queries to get you started and grow your presence online. We are there when you get stuck-anytime, day or night. We help you create a website fast and easy by resolving all web hosting queries!

Need Help? We are here right now

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! The server you rent is entirely dedicated to you. After the BBB setup is done, URL and other details are delivered. Server access information is provided to our clients. If you have any requests at the server level, you can contact us.
Your server is set up and delivered within 24 hours after the purchase process is confirmed. BBB API and access details are delivered with a custom subdomain for you.
BigBlueButton is an open-source web conferencing platform used for live classes, education, web conferences, and business meetings. It's ideal for interactive learning experiences and interactive meetings.
A BigBlueButton server is a server system used to run the BigBlueButton platform and provide users with a high-performance experience. These servers enable smooth execution of live classes, meetings, and events.
BigBlueButton servers are equipped with industry-standard security measures. Security is ensured through methods such as data encryption, strong password policies, and up-to-date software security updates.
Yes, depending on your needs, we can scale our servers. You can scale your server by adding more resources as you grow or by upgrading your server with customized packages according to your needs.
Prices may vary depending on the server features, resources, and specific needs you choose. You can contact us to get a personalized quote and find a solution that suits your needs.

Choose the best managed Cloud Hosting experience for your business!

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