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Instead of describing our corporate email service as an email hosting or hosting service, it would be more accurate to define it as an email suite. Our suite integrates many forwarding and management elements in addition to the fastest receipt and delivery of your emails. The corporate email service includes the Hygienic Mail service, a commercial anti-spam engine produced using the highest quality corporate anti-spam hardware and software. It is mandatory for every message to pass through the Hygienic Mail spam firewall system first. Messages deemed unwanted are instantly rejected, while suspicious ones are held in a Quarantine area and the content of this area is continuously reported to you. Additionally, you can view messages that fall into this area instantly via the web interface. The Quarantine Area also has a web interface where black-white list management, known as black and white lists, can be performed, allowing you to receive messages from specific email addresses or entire domain extension addresses without any control except for viruses, or reject them regardless. This way, your communication always remains under your control. Our panel can work on both user and institution basis. You can continuously leave incoming messages on our servers and manage the directory on our server side. These messages can be automatically placed in a directory of your choice from your Inbox, and necessary marking can be done. Both your mobile device, desktop computer, and web interface will see the same directory structure. Thus, regardless of the medium you use to make changes, whether deleting, sending, reading, or transferring to a directory, it will automatically affect all your environments.

It is possible to send unwanted virus-infected messages to your entire address book due to an email virus or trojan entering your computer software. Corporate email servers for outgoing mail have both virus scanning and sending rate control. Our system automatically detects and stops the sending of messages above a reasonable value based on the number of messages, even if the messages do not contain viruses. It warns you and the system administrator and allows you time to rectify the situation. Our email service includes backup options for both incoming and outgoing email messages. These options can be activated on a user or institution basis. Copies of accidentally or intentionally deleted important messages can be accessed for specific periods of time, and these messages can be retrieved from the backup area. The Corporate Email email service, which has many additional benefits in daily use, is designed to meet your expectations to the maximum extent. If you have a detail that you cannot see here or a question for which you cannot find the answer, please let us know, and we will get your answer to you as soon as possible. You can comfortably entrust your email business to this system, where many details have been considered on your behalf.
Corporate email services handle email messages delivered to the domain with four separate message exchange servers. Four servers are located in two separate geographical points. Our receiving servers at these points have spam firewall features, and the main message box server uses these systems as shields. These receiving servers are written to the records called MX records, and when other servers worldwide want to send you a message, they reach these servers. If any set of these servers is unreachable, senders are automatically directed to the other set via the DNS system, and your incoming messages always reach our reception point. Messages sent to our spam firewall servers are first evaluated according to user and institution-based black and white lists. Then, anti-virus and anti-spam engines come into play, and the decision is made whether to reject the message. If there is a message considered suspicious after evaluation, it is held in the Quarantine area and action is taken according to the user's decision.
Corporate Email email services work on the Zimbra product. Our unlimited email product runs on a server dedicated to a single customer and is operated with the Zimbra product installed as dedicated. The infrastructure is installed on an operating system that is entirely POSIX-compliant, Linux operating system. The web-based management interface of the open-source Zimbra email system is entirely in English. Admin accounts that will manage the system see all the domain names installed in Zimbra and it is not possible to have different administrators for different domain names. The UzmanPosta system allows the Zimbra platform to be managed in Turkish and allows different administrator users to be assigned for multiple domains. Thus, different domain names can be managed within the framework of everyone's authority without being seen by different administrators for different domain names.
  1. It is a Email security firewall developed by AntispamGW. Without requiring any installation, it protects your mailbox against unwanted (SPAM) email messages and virus attacks, preventing loss of work time. With its flexible infrastructure, it meets the email security needs of organizations of all sizes. Companies use email exchanges the most as a means of communication today. It is very important for companies to want to back up the messages they receive and send in accordance with corporate policy and be able to look back when needed. The unlimited email model of Corporate Email services is designed to serve only one institution. Therefore, it is possible to configure the system according to corporate needs. The unlimited email service allows all incoming and outgoing messages to be collected on a backup account. This account can be emptied by taking the messages inside it at the intervals deemed appropriate by the institution or the messages can be left on the server for the appropriate period. Thanks to the advanced search function of Corporate Email web mail service, these old messages can be easily examined by using any criteria and the appropriate message can be accessed. One of the most important advantages of a completely corporate mail server is that the server configuration can be shaped according to the needs of the company.

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