Jednostavno i transparentno određivanje cijena
Od početka do poduzeća, pokrivamo vas. Počnite s besplatnim 14 dana. Godišnje plaćanje vam donosi dva mjeseca besplatno!
Od početka do poduzeća, pokrivamo vas. Počnite s besplatnim 14 dana. Godišnje plaćanje vam donosi dva mjeseca besplatno!
Odaberite obrazac za širok raspon proširenja domena kao što su .com, .in i mnogo više
Pružamo najbolji hosting po najpovoljnijim cijenama na tržištu
Saznajte kako postaviti web-lokaciju iz naše velike baze znanja
Najnovija ažuriranja za Google Chrome sada posjetiteljima prikazuju poruku "Nije sigurno" u URL-u ako vaša web-lokacija nije https (tj. Nema SSL certifikat). Ako nije sigurna, vjerojatnije je da će se posjetitelji suzdržati od unosa podataka, kupnje ili čak prijave za popis e-pošte.Google će također rangirati web-mjesta bez SSL certifikata na stranici s rezultatima pretraživanja (SERP), istodobno utječući na vaše napore u SEO-u, promet i prihode.
Instead of describing our corporate email service as an email hosting or hosting service, it would be more accurate to define it as an email suite. Our suite integrates many forwarding and management elements in addition to the fastest receipt and delivery of your emails. The corporate email service includes the Hygienic Mail service, a commercial anti-spam engine produced using the highest quality corporate anti-spam hardware and software. It is mandatory for every message to pass through the Hygienic Mail spam firewall system first. Messages deemed unwanted are instantly rejected, while suspicious ones are held in a Quarantine area and the content of this area is continuously reported to you. Additionally, you can view messages that fall into this area instantly via the web interface. The Quarantine Area also has a web interface where black-white list management, known as black and white lists, can be performed, allowing you to receive messages from specific email addresses or entire domain extension addresses without any control except for viruses, or reject them regardless. This way, your communication always remains under your control. Our panel can work on both user and institution basis. You can continuously leave incoming messages on our servers and manage the directory on our server side. These messages can be automatically placed in a directory of your choice from your Inbox, and necessary marking can be done. Both your mobile device, desktop computer, and web interface will see the same directory structure. Thus, regardless of the medium you use to make changes, whether deleting, sending, reading, or transferring to a directory, it will automatically affect all your environments.
Pošaljite pravu poruku svojim klijentima i potencijalnim korisnicima pomoću adrese profesionalne e-pošte kao što je Dodavanje prilagođenih adresa e-pošte svojoj domeni je jednostavno i dodaje vjerodostojnost vašoj tvrtki. Pogledajte naše opcije e-pošte.